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miguel Navarro

Cicind Model Code For Steel Chimneys Pdf 23


Cicind Model Code For Steel Chimneys Pdf 23

FOREWORDWhen it was formed in 1973, the Comit InternationaldesChemines Industrielles (CICIND) adopted as a major goaltheharmonisation of national codes for the design ofindustrialchimneys. As a means to this end, a subcommittee wasappointed in1981, charged with drafting a proposal for a model codefor steelchimneys which reflected the current state-of-the-art andaconsensus of views, internationally. This document was publishedin1988, with Commentaries being published the following year.Since1988, the science and technology of chimneys has advancedand in1995, CICIND appointed a committee to revise the ModelCode,recognising current best international practice and knowledge.Thecommittee comprises:

Chimneys are required to carry vertically and discharge totheatmosphere, gaseous products of combustion, chemical wastegases, orexhaust air or for the combustion (aring off) ofindustrial waste gases.This Model Code contains guide-lines whichreect the current stateof art in the design and construction ofsteel chimneys. Nevertheless,the design, fabrication and erectionof steel chimneys require athorough knowledge of these structures,the properties of thematerials used, the actions occurring upon thestructure and therecognised rules of the relevant technologies. Thedesign of steelchimneys should therefore only be entrusted toappropriatelyqualied and experienced engineers. The constructionand erectionshould be carried out by rms competent in this class ofwork. At alltimes the work should be under the direction ofappropriatelyqualied supervisors. CICIND will continue to try toimprove the understanding of thebehaviour of chimneys. Furtherrevisions of this model code willtherefore be published from timeto time.

This Model Code is accompanied by extensive appendicesandcommentaries. The appendices provide information whichthecommittee believes will be of use to a steel chimney designer,eventhough its inclusion in a chimney design code could not bejustied.The commentaries have the following objectives:a)Justication of the regulations of the model code.b) Simplication ofthe use of the model code.c) Understanding of the meaning of theregulations of the

One of the main objectives of any code governing construction isthecreation of a model which resembles as far as possible, therealsituation. The model should be sufficiently safe, simple andtrue. Itis very rarely that simplicity and truth are compatible, soa modelmust be used which provides an optimum compromise betweentruth,simplicity, safety and economy.While the judgements ofsufficiently true and sufficiently simpleare subjective,sufficiently safe is capable of rational judgement.This codeinterprets sufficiently safe in terms of the social andeconomicconsequences of failure. It does this by comparing theprobabilitiesof failure for given safety factors during its design lifewith thefailure probabilities required to satisfy accepted socialandeconomic criteria. This leads to the development of safetyfactorswhich ensure that a chimney will have a probability offailure duringits design lifetime between 103 and 104, dependingupon itsreliability category.CICIND has departed from generallyaccepted principles ofsteelwork design and construction only whenthis was required by thephilosophy outlined above or by specicchimney requirements.

This model code relates to the structural design andconstruction ofsteel chimneys of circular cross-section, with aminimum height of15m, with or without linings, and to the designand application oflinings to such chimneys where required. It alsorelates to chimneyswith a height less than 15m and a slendernessratio more than 16. Themodel code does not deal with architecturalor thermal aspects ofsteel chimneys nor with their foundations,except insofar as theyaffect the chimneys structural design. Themodel code does not dealwith those aspects of the design andconstruction of steelwork,refractories and insulation which are notpec


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